I really hate when people lie. And I hate it even more when the press reproduces those lies. For example Bryce Johnson of Fourteen40 in a press release about selling his company to Folletts is quoted as saying he came up with the idea about a year ago. Well they pitched my employer about a year ago so I did some research and discovered that they have been failing in the ebook space. http://www.econtentmag.com/Articles/ArticleReader.aspx?ArticleID=41458 Many of the pages I found at that time seem to have disappeared, or are buried under the new stories about the acquisition. But here is one. http://www.vcsmart.com/2006/02/fourteen40.html Not that the product being over a year old makes it bad. But why lie.
I am a technologist, by profession, and a political activist by inclination. But this blog is for thoughts that are not affiliated with any employer past present or future. And this is not where I will be overtly political. I will discuss technology that I use. I may discuss big ideas about the way that society is changing.